Loie Hollowell in her studio in Ridgewood, New York. Photography by Melissa Goodwin. Press Loie Hollowell in Vogue Marley Marius writes about Hollowell's debut at Pace Gallery in New York. You’ll Want to Pay Close Attention at Plumb Line, Loie Hollowell’s New Pace Gallery ShowVogueMarley MariusSeptember 13, 2019It’s commonplace that art—painting, especially—rewards close looking. “To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, all in one,” art critic John Ruskin wrote in 1856. Still, in American artist Loie (pronounced “Low-ee”) Hollowell’s case, it’s urgently true. On her intricately layered canvases—built up into three dimensions, in some areas, using a mixture of sawdust and high-density foam—expressions of the agony and the ecstasy of being a woman beget a delightfully complex viewing experience.This weekend, Hollowell helps to inaugurate Pace Gallery’s (opens in a new window) astonishingly vast new Chelsea headquarters alongside David Hockney, Fred Wilson, and works by Alexander Calder and photographer Peter Hujar. With Plumb Line, on view until October 19, she’ll mark her first major solo show in New York.Read the full article (opens in a new window) here.Learn more about Loie Hollowell. Read More Press — Loie Hollowell in Vogue, Sep 13, 2019