Kenjiro Okazaki, Aimlessly navigating the canals, he would sometimes leap onto small islands overgrown with reeds, cheering up lonely bulls with his whistles. He'd pick berries from thorny bushes, poke at rabbit burrows to startle the young ones, and giggle at coots dozing on the water's surface. His feet were always muddy and cheerfully wet. / あてなく運河を巡り、葦の茂る小島に飛び移り、寂しげな雄牛を口笛で元気づけ、茨からベ リーを摘み、ウサギの巣を突っつき子ウサギを驚かせ、水面で眠るオオバンに笑い、彼の 足はいつも泥だらけで朗らかに濡れていました。, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 160 cm × 130 cm (63" × 51-3/16") © Kenjiro Okazaki Kenjiro Okazaki ⓒ Risaku Suzuki Detailsb. 1955, Tokyo, Japan Read More Kenjiro Okazaki is an acclaimed artist, architect, and theorist with a multifarious practice that spans painting, sculpture, robotics, costume and set design, and architecture.With a unifying emphasis on form, Okazaki explores themes related to time, space, and the human experience through a postmodernist lens. In the vein of artists such as Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Paul Klee, Tomoyoshi Murayama, Filippo Brunelleschi, and John Cage, Okazaki’s work is rooted in an investigation of the perception and reconstruction of time. In addition to his artistic practice, he is a critic renowned for his efforts in redefining abstraction. Okazaki has authored and co-authored several books, including Renaissance: Condition of Experience (Bunshun Gakugei Library, 2015), and Abstract Art as Impact: The Concrete Genealogy of Abstract Art (Akishobo, 2018), and perhaps most well-known, Abstract Art as Impact: Analysis of Modern Art (Aki Shobō, 2018), for which he was awarded the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 2019. Over the course of his four-decade career, his richly varied oeuvre has cemented the artist as an important voice in the cultural landscape of Japan and beyond.In 2002, Okazaki was named Director of the Japanese pavilion at the 8th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale. In 2007, he created the costumes and set design for Trisha Brown’s dance performance I love my robots, which premiered at Montclair State University, New Jersey, before embarking on a world tour including performances at the University of California, Berkeley (2007); Montpellier Dance Festival, France (2007); De Singel, Antwerp, Belgium (2008); University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (2008); and The Joyce Theater, New York (2008). In 2014, he received the Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Okazaki’s first one-artist exhibition was held at Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, in 1981, and important solo exhibitions of his work include Kenjiro Okazaki, Galerie Medianne Elko, Paris (1982); Toki no Katachi, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo (1989); Kenjiro Okazaki, Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Agen, France (1994); Abstract Arts Can Become Concrete Tools, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Japan (2017); Kenjiro Okazaki: Retrospective Strata, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Japan (2019–2020); and TOPICA PICTUS Revisited: Forty Red, White, And Blue Shoestrings And A Thousand Telephones, Blum & Poe, Tokyo (2022). His work is held in important collections including Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan; The Rachofsky House, Dallas, Texas, among others. Okazaki lives and works in Japan. Read More Kenjiro Okazaki, The unequal distribution of land and water is evident at first glance. Though it may appear that this distribution is dominated by blind chance, a closer look reveals that an orderly rationale underlies the existing relationship between the solid and fluid surfaces of the Earth. Waves flew in all directions as the whale churned through the water, its course marked by a rod-wide trail of white foam left by the thrashing of its tail against the surface. It passed beneath our ship once more before heading downwind and out of sight. Around 8am, before the wind direction had changed, I noticed water was quickly flooding into the boat at an alarming rate. Within minutes, the water level rose rapidly and the boat was no longer safe. The ship seemed to sail through milk, due to the immense number of tiny white creatures on the surface, concealing the water's hue. The Red Sea's distinctive red color, from which the name comes, results from a microscopic alga floating. The allure of that red color conceals the exuberant life activity. / 陸と海が不均等に分布していることは一見して明らかです。この分布は偶然に支配されているように見えるかもしれませんが、よりよく観察すると、地球の固体表面と流体表面の間に存在する関係の基盤に整合的な秩序があることが洞察できます。 波が四方八方から飛び、クジラが向かう方向は、尾が水面を激しく打ってできた幅1竿ほどの白い泡の道に示されています。彼は再び船の下を通り、風下に去りました。 風向きが変化していない朝8時頃、ボートに水がすごい勢いで浸水してくるのに気づきました。数分のうちにみるみる水量は増え、もはやボートは安全ではありません。 船はミルクの中を航行しているようだった。水面を泳ぐ無数の小さな白い動物が水の色合いに混じって起こす現象である。紅海とよばれる海の独特な色は、海面に浮かぶ微細な藻類の存在による。美しい赤い色の印象はその驚異的な繁殖力をも隠す。, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 224 cm × 363.5 cm × 7 cm (88-3/16" × 11' 11-1/8" × 2-3/4") © Kenjiro Okazaki Kenjiro Okazaki, Her first thought was that perhaps the Virgin made miracle. But when she look again, the house wherein had faded her childhood dreams and her maiden illusions. There was nothing to do but go, so, began to prepare breakfast. Strange, she was calm, she even had a desire to laugh! There was no miracle—the sun was rising and promised a magnificent morning, the breeze was delightfully cool, the stars were paling in the east, and the cocks were crowing as if to see who could crow best and loudest. She went out with as little noise as possible. / 彼女は最初、聖母が奇跡を起こしたと思いました。けれど再び見ると子供の頃の夢と乙女の幻が満ちた家はもう色褪せています。もう何もやることはない、だから朝食を準備しました。奇妙ですが、彼女は静かで、そして笑い出したかった。 奇跡はなかった。お日さまが昇り、素晴らしい朝を約束していました。そよ風が心地よく 涼しい。東の空では星が消えかかっていた。雄鶏たちが一番大きく美しく鳴けるかを競いあって鳴いている。彼女はできるだけ静かに出かけました。, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 209.7 cm × 116.7 cm × 6.5 cm (82-9/16" × 45-15/16" × 2-9/16") © Kenjiro Okazaki Kenjiro Okazaki, Effet du Soir / 篝火焚日 / POIL DE CAROTTE, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 182 mm × 252 mm × 30 mm (7-3/16" × 9-15/16" × 1-3/16") © Kenjiro Okazaki Kenjiro Okazaki, 3:15, 1983-1993 acrylic, pigment, polypropylene, paper, other, 27 cm × 17 cm × 17 cm (10-5/8" × 6-11/16" × 6-11/16") © Kenjiro Okazaki Exhibitions View All Past Kenjiro Okazaki Form at Now and Later 形而の而今而後 Jun 28 – Aug 17, 2024 Seoul Journal View All News Kenjiro Okazaki Joins Pace Gallery Aug 28, 2024 Films Kenjiro Okazaki Goes Beyond the Self Jul 17, 2024 One-Artist Exhibitions Group Exhibitions Public Collections Books Periodicals Close Kenjiro Okazaki One-Artist Exhibitions Okazaki Kenjiro one artist DatesBorn 1955, TokyoLives and works in Tokyo2024Kenjiro Okazaki: Form at Now and Later 形而の而今而後, Pace Gallery, Seoul, June 28–August 17, 2024.Kenjiro Okazaki: Kunitsukami as Chthonius, Yu-un, Tokyo, March 9–June 2, 2024.2023Kenjiro Okazaki: One Passed Over Head, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, December 4–23, 2023.2022Kenjiro Okazaki: TOPICA PICTUS Revisited: Forty Red, White, And Blue Shoestrings and A Thousand Telephones, Blum & Poe, Tokyo, September 24–November 6, 2022.2021Kenjiro Okazaki: TOPICA PICTUS / La Cienega, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, July 17–August 14, 2021.Kenjiro Okazaki: Topica Pictus / Rue de Turenne, Galerie Frank Elbaz, Paris, March 20–May 29, 2021.2020Kenjiro Okazaki: Topica Pictus, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, November 6–December 12, 2020.Kenjiro Okazaki: TOPICA PICTUS Tennoz, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, October 31–December 12, 2020.Kenjiro Okazaki: Topica Pictus, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, October 17–December 13, 2020. (Catalogue)Kenjiro Okazaki | A Decade or So Ago· As Tears Go By, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, August 4–August 29, 2020.2019Kenjiro Okazaki: Retrospective Strata, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, November 23, 2019–February 24, 2020.Kenjiro Okazaki, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, July 9–August 24, 2019.PEAKES | Kenjiro Okazaki, yang02, Chuo Honsen Gallery, Tokyo, January 15–26, 2019.2018Kenjiro Okazaki, Galleria Finarte, Nagoya, Japan, November 30–December 22, 2018.2017The Insight of Kenjiro Okazaki—Abstract Art as Impact: How Abstract Arts Can Become Concrete Tools, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, April 22 –June 11, 2017.“Things” Never Die. It Only Changes Its Form: Kenjiro Okazaki Paintings, A-things, Tokyo, January 25–February 19, 2017.2016Kenjiro Okazaki, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, November 10–December 11, 2016.Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, June 13–July 9, 2016.Kenjiro Okazaki: POST / UMUM = OCT / OPUS, Kazenosawa Museum, Miyagi, Japan, April 24–October 23, 2016.2015Kenjiro Okazaki, Galleria Finarte, Nagoya, Japan, January 19–February 7, 2015.2014B-things and C-things at A-things, A-things, Tokyo, March 6–March 30, 2014.Kenjiro Okazaki: Hand Painted Ceramic Tile / Painting, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, January 27–February 22, 2014.2011Kenjiro Okazaki, Galleria Finarte, Nagoya, Japan, November 8–November 26, 2011.2010Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, June 21–July 17, 2010.2009Kenjiro Okazaki, MOT Collection Special Feature: Kenjiro Okazaki, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, October 31, 2009–April 11, 2010.2008Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, October 14–November 11, 2008.2007Kenjiro Okazaki, ZERO THUMBNAIL, A-things, Tokyo, June 6–August 8, 2007.2006Kenjiro Okazaki, Eugine Gallery, Tokyo, July 25–August 10, 2006.2005Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, September 20–October 8, 2005.2004Kenjiro Okazaki, Gallery Objective Collective, Tokyo, April 16–May 8, 2004.2002Kenjiro Okazaki: Art Today 2002, Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Nagano, Japan, September 14–October 14, 2002.2000Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, 2000.1999Kenjiro Okazaki, Eugine Gallery, Tokyo, 1999.Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, January 25–March 6, 1999.1998ART SPHERE HAIZUKA’98: Kenjiro Okazaki, Kurome Photo Studio, Japan, 1998.1996Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, January 16–February 3, 1996.1995Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, December 8–22, 1995.Kenjiro Okazaki, T3 Collection Gallery, Tokyo, 1995.1994ART SCOPE’94: Kenjiro Okazaki, Spiral, Tokyo, 1994.Kenjiro Okazaki, Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Agen, France, 1994.1992Kenjiro Okazaki, OXY Gallery, Osaka, November 3–29, 1992.Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery SOKO, Tokyo, April 6–28, 1992. (Catalogue)1991THE NINETIES Vol.23: Kenjiro Okazaki, GALLERY KOBAYASHI, Tokyo, 1991.Kenjiro Okazaki, Hillside Gallery, Tokyo, October 8–27, 1991.1990Kenjiro Okazaki: The History of Contemporary Sculpture, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall Gallery, Yokohama, Japan, 1990.Kenjiro Okazaki, Ten Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan, October 8–27, 1990.1989Kenjiro Okazaki: Toki no Katachi, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, February 9–19, 1989.1988Kenjiro Okazaki, Hillside Gallery, Tokyo, March 22–April 3, 1988.1987Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, October 19–31, 1987. (Catalogue)Kenjiro Okazaki, Gallery Takumi, Okinawa, Japan, June 6–July 5, 1987.1986Kenjiro Okazaki, Nantenshi Gallery, Tokyo, March 17–29, 1986. (Catalogue)1985Kenjiro Okazaki, Ando Gallery, Tokyo, April 5–May 11, 1985. (Catalogue)1984Kenjiro Okazaki, Ochanomizu Gallery, Tokyo, June 12–23, 1984.Kenjiro Okazaki: Poetics of Space - Sentences and Integration, R Gallery, Kyoto, May 1–13, 1984.Kenjiro Okazaki, Studio 4F ROOF, Tokyo, 1984.1982Kenjiro Okazaki, Galerie Medianne Elko, Paris, September 24–October 6, 1982.Kenjiro Okazaki, Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, 1982.1981Kenjiro Okazaki: Building through Construction, Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, March 9–14, 1981. Kenjiro Okazaki Group Exhibitions Okazaki Kenjiro group 2024A Personal View of Japanese Contemporary Art: Takahashi Ryutaro Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, August 3–November 10, 2024.BankART Life7: UrbanNesting, BankART1929, Yokohama, Japan, May 15–June 9, 2024.Thirty Years: Written with a Splash of Blood, BLUM Gallery, Los Angeles, January 13–March 3, 2024.2023Borrowed Landscapes, Blum & Poe, Tokyo, May 13–June 24, 2023.Collection: Small Things - Space/Cats, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Toyota, Japan, February 25–May 21, 2023.2022Mitaka City Gallery of Art Collection III, Mitaka City Gallery of Art, Tokyo, July 16–August 21, 2022.2021BLUM & POE at COCON KARASUMA 301, COCON KARASUMA, Kyoto, November 3–December 26, 2021.Waves and Echoes Postmodernism Global 1980s, Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, April 22–May 21, 2021.Mountains Carrying Suns, Blum & Poe, Tokyo, February 20–March 19, 2021.2020TOPICA PICTUS, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, November 3, 2020–February 23, 2021.5,471 miles, Blum & Poe, Tokyo, July 21–August 8, 2020.2019Drawing: Manner, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, April 20–May 25, 2019.Parergon: Japanese Art of the 1980s and 1990s, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, April 6–May 19, 2019. (Catalogue)Abstraction in Asia: from 1960 to nowadays, Vazieux Art Gallery Paris, February 9–March 23, 2019.This Must Be the Place, Benesse House Museum, Naoshima, Japan, February 2, 2019–August 21, 2024.2018Bubblewrap, Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, Japan, December 15, 2018–March 3, 2019.Starting Points: Japanese Art of the ‘80s, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan, July 7–October 21, 2018.The Myriad Forms of Visual Art: 196 Works with 19 Themes, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, May 26–July 1, 2018.Physica: The Principles of Art as Natural Philosophy, Galerie Omotesando, Tokyo, March 5–17, 2018.2017Woman on the Stairs, nowaki, Kyoto, July 17–23, 2017.2015Takamatsu Media Art Festival “The Medium of the Spirit”, Hiunkaku, Japan, December 18–27, 2015.Shunsuke Imai, Kenjiro Okazaki, Enrico Isamu Ōyama, Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, May 9–June 6, 2015.2014BankART Life IV: Dreams of East Asia, BankART1929, Yokohama, Japan, August 1–November 3, 2014.DOMMUNE University of the Arts, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, September 20–November 3, 2014.Whenever Wherever Festival 2014, Morishita Studio, Tokyo, September 19, 2014.Shintaro Tanaka, Kenjiro Okazaki, Kodai Nakahara: Articulating Form, BankART1929, Yokohama, Japan, April 25–June 22, 2014. (Catalogue)Mud and Jelly, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, January 21–April 6, 2014.2013Et in Arcadia Ego, The Hidden Place Called “Sculpture”, Musashino Art University Museum, Tokyo, May 20–August 10, 2013.2011Siding railroad 2011: Tokorozawa biennial of contemporary art, Tokorozawa City Lifelong Learning Promotion Center and the Former Tokorozawa Municipal Secondary School Lunch Center, Saitama, Japan, August 27–September 18, 2011.Whenever Wherever Festival 2009, Morishita Studio, Tokyo, July 12, 2011.2009Phirosophiae naturalis principia artificiosa, Tokyo Art Museum, May 28–June 21, 2009.2008I love my robots, De Singel, Antwerp, Belgium, 2008. Traveled to: Joyce Theater, New York, 2008; Northrop Auditorium, University of Minnesota East Bank Campus, Minneapolis, 2008.2007Kenjiro Okazaki and Hisao Matsuura, Galleria Finarte, Nagano, Japan, 2007.Montpellier Dance Festival, Corum Theatre, Montpellier, France, 2007.Europera 5, Suntory Hall, Tokyo, September 6, 2007.Painting as Forest: Artist as Thinker, Okazaki City Mindscape Museum, Japan, February 10–March 10, 2007.I love my robots, Zellerbach Hall, University of California, Berkeley, January 26–27, 2007. Traveled to: Alexander Kasser Theater, Montclair State University, New Jersey, January 18–21, 2007.2005Kenjiro Okazaki and Hisao Matsuura, Galleria Finarte, Nagoya, Japan, 2005.BankART Life 24-hour hospitality - Can you stay overnight at the exhibition venue?, BankART1929, Yokohama, Japan, October 28–December 18, 2005.Contemporary Art Methods (7) In the Midst of Creation, Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo, February 19–March 31, 2005.2004Straight no chaser, Ningyo-cho Vision's, Tokyo, February 3–14, 2004.200312 Years of Art Scope: Reflections on Artist in Residence, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, October 11–November 24, 2003.2002La Biennale di Venezia; 8th International Architecture Exhibition, Japan Pavilion, Venice, 2002.Cyclical art site, Oita Prefectural Art Museum, Japan, May 25–July 14, 2002.2001Dialogue 2001: Banff Residency Artists, Prince Takamado Gallery, Embassy of Canada, Tokyo, 2001.The 35th Contemporary Art Selection Exhibition Sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Ogaki City Suitopia Center Art Gallery, Gifu, Japan, 2001.Kenjiro Okazaki x Syuji Okada, Kyoto Art Center, Japan, October 27–November 17, 2001.2000Various Eyes 112: Giulio Romano is Also Talented, IBM-KawasakiCity Gallery, Japan, 2000.1999SURFACE, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada, 1999.Artwork Homestay (Art Sphere Haizuka ’99), three towns of Mirasaka, Soryo, and Kisa, Hiroshima, Japan, 1999.1998Fast Forward to 2000: Recent Works by Asian Culture Council Scholarship Recipients, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila, 1998.1997Art Today 1997: Opera Aperta, Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 1997.Each Artist Each Moment 1997, Gallery GAN, Tokyo, 1997.Conversation in the Garden, Bumpodo Gallery, Tokyo, 1997.Kenjiro Okazaki and Hisao Matsuura, Eugine Gallery, Tokyo, 1997.The 9th Triennale of India, Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Art), New Delhi, 1997.Yumeooka Art Project, Yumeooka Office Tower, Yokohama, Japan, 1997.The Mirage City: Another Utopia, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Tokyo, April 19–July 13, 1997.1996Group Exhibition, Kume Sekkei Co., Ltd. Head Office Building, Tokyo, 1996.Hiroshima Prefectural University Library, Japan, 1996.Hotel Kinokonomori, Kiryu, Japan, 1996.PROTEAN ARTISTS OF THE TIMES, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, 1996.Sharaku Interpreted by Japan's Contemporary Artists, International Exchange Forum, Tokyo, July 26–August 8, 1996.Nihon no gendai bijutsu 50-ninten: 21-seiki e no yokan [An Exhibition of 50 contemporary Japanese Artists], Navio Museum of Art, Osaka, February 16–March 10, 1996. (Catalogue)1995Casting Art ’95, T3 Collection Gallery, Tokyo, 1995.Drawings, Hillside Gallery, Tokyo, 1995.Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd., Head Office Building, Tokyo, 1995.6th Small Sculpture Triennale, Shuduwest LB Forum, Stuttgart, Germany, 1995.Small Sculptures and Sketch, Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, 1995.On the Web: The Museum Inside The Network, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Tokyo, November 1–19, 1995.Allegory of seeing 1995: painting and sculpture in contemporary Japan, Sezon Museum of Art, Japan, June 23–August 27, 1995.Japanese Culture: The Fifty Postwar Years 1945−1995, Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo, April 19–June 4, 1995.The 4th NICAF International Contemporary Art Festival, PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan, March 13–17, 1995.1994CAPUT MORTUUM 2, Aichi Arts Center, Nagoya, Japan, 1994.Critical Quest Japan, Spiral, Tokyo, 1994.Faret Tachikawa Art Project, Faret Tachikawa, Tokyo, 1994.Japanese Art after 1945: Scream against the sky, The Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1994. Traveled to: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1995.Mercedes-Benz Japan Art Scope ’94, Monflanquin, France, 1994. (Catalogue)Open Air ’94 OUT OF BOUNDS, Benesse House, Naoshima Contemporary Art Museum, Japan, 1994.13th Parallelism in Art: Painting in its Full-scale Development Period: a Gamble on Rhetoric, ESPACE OHARA, Tokyo, November 21–December 2, 1994.Drawings, Hillside Gallery, Tokyo, June 18–July 3, 1994.VOCA ’94 THE VISION OF CONTEMPORARY ART, The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, March 15–26, 1994.Of the human condition: hope and despair at the end of the century, Spiral, Tokyo, February 1–20, 1994.1993ARTLAB “Open Collaboration” Exhibition: “PSYCHOSCAPE”, O Art Museum, Tokyo, 1993.Exchange 2, Shedhalle, Zurich, 1993.Random Accident Memory, Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, Japan, 1993.Samazamana Me 50: Standard Discrimination Standards, IBM-KawasakiCity Gallery, Japan, 1993.1992Bulbous Plants: Kenjiro Okazaki, Yoshinori Tsuda (Reinstalled), Naruse Mutara Gallery, Tokyo, 1992.Public Production “Video,” Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, Japan, 1992.Triangle Artists’ Workshop, Pine Plains, New York, 1992.1991BuIbous Plants: Kenjiro Okazaki and Yoshinori Tsuda, Naruse Mutara Gallery, Tokyo, 1991.Workshop for Expression, BuIbous Plants: Kenjiro Okazaki and Yoshinori Tsuda, The Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, Japan, 1991.Japan Art Today: Elusive Perspectives/Changing Visions, Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Stockholm, November 24, 1990–January 27, 1991. Traveled to: Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Japan, November 13–December 24, 1991.The 1990s Art Scene: Four Elements of Neo-Modernism, Namba City Hall, Osaka, April 25–May 12, 1991.Nerima Art ’91: Sculpture Today, Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo, February 9–March 21, 1991.1990“THE EIGHTIES” Publication Commemorative Exhibition, Gallery Kobayashi, Tokyo, 1990.Museum City Tenjin, Fukuoka, Japan, 1990.Differences Now, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, October 13–November 4, 1990.1989’89 Fukuyama Sculpture Project, Shinichicho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, 1989.Europalia ’89: Contemporary Japanese Art, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium, 1989.Leaders of Abstract Sculpture, Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan, 1989.Nerima Art ’89, Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo, 1989.1988The 4th International Drawing Triennale, Kunsthalle Nuremberg, Germany, 1988.INSPIRATION: Lighting Design Exhibition, AXIS GaIIery, Tokyo, 1988.Les Mains Regardent, Yurakucho Art Forum, Tokyo, 1988.The Phantom Yamamura Collection Exhibition, The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan, 1989.Prints, Drawings and Paperworks Biennale, Langage Plus Gallery, Alma, Canada, 1989.Trends in Contemporary Japanese Art: Paintings Part II, The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 1988.Haiku in Drawing Exhibtiion, Gallery GEN, Tokyo, September 26–October 8, 1988.TAMA VIVANT’88: 6 Wonders of Contemporary Art: Models of the World, THE SEED HALL, Tokyo, September 22–October 4, 1988.8 Drawings, Kodama Gallery, Osaka, March 28–April 16, 1988.New Year New Arts ’88, Moris Gallery, Tokyo, January 11–23, 1988.1987ART TODAY 1987: A Slap in the Face of Tasteful Public, Karuizawa Takanawa Art Museum, Nagano, Japan, 1987.Art in Japan since 1969 / Mono-ha and Post Mono-ha, The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1987.1986Contemporary Japanese Art 3: Artists Born After the War, The Miyagi Museum of Art, Japan, 1986.Monologue/Dialogue, Nabis Gallery, Tokyo, September 1–13, 1986.Five Expressions, Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, March 24–29, 1986.198585’ Contemporary Art, Yamaguchi: Detour Passage, Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum, Japan, June 14–July 7, 1985.1984Glass Art Akasaka, Tokyo, 1984.Art of Present – INTERNALIZED STRUCTURE 2, Tokyo Central Museum, July 23–29, 1984.19833D Forms: A Perspective on Contemporary Japanese Art, The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan, 1983.12th Biennale de Paris Selected Traveling Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland, 1983.Artists Today ’83: INTERNALIZED STRUCTURE, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Japan, November 18–29, 1983.Two-person Exhibition, Gallery PARERGON, Tokyo, May 16–21, 1983.198212th Biennale de Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, October 2–November 14, 1982.2nd Parallelism in Art, ESPACE Ohara, Tokyo, July 22–27, 1982.The front line of modern art ’82 -STRATEGIES OF FIGURES, Gallery PARERGON, Tokyo, June 21–26, 1982.1981Interference Zone, Gallery PARERGON, Tokyo, 1981.HARA ANNUAL II, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, November 20–December 27, 1981.Artists Today ’81: THEME THE WALL, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Japan, November 19–December 3, 1981.1979B Seminar Schooling System Exhibition, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Japan, May 29–June 3, 1979.1978B Seminar Schooling System Exhibition, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Japan, 1978. Kenjiro Okazaki Public Collections Okazaki Kenjiro public collections Agency for Cultural Affairs, Kyoto, JapanAichi Prefectural Museum of Art, JapanBenesse Art Site Naoshima, JapanChiba City Museum of Art, JapanFaret Tachikawa, Tachikawa City, Tokyo Fukuyama City, Hiroshima, JapanHiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, JapanHiroshima Prefectural University [formerly Hiroshima Prefectural Women’s University], JapanHyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe, JapanIwaki City Art Museum, JapanJapan Foundation, TokyoKitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, JapanMachida City Swimming Pool, TokyoMitaka City, TokyoThe Museum of Contemporary Art TokyoNagoya, JapanNakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka, JapanThe National Museum of Art, Osaka, JapanThe National Museum of Modern Art, TokyoOkazaki City Art Museum, JapanOita Art Museum, JapanOhara Museum of Art, Kurashiki, JapanSetagaya Art Museum, TokyoSezon Museum of Modern Art, Karuizawa, JapanSuginami City, TokyoTakamatsu Art Museum, JapanToyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design, Toyama, JapanToyota Municipal Museum of Art, JapanTokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High SchoolTokyo Metropolitan Kuramae Technical High School Kenjiro Okazaki Books Kenjiro Okazaki Bibliography: Books 2024Okazaki, Kenjiro. Jikonjigo: Here After Critique: Collection of Critical Essays vol.2. Tokyo: Akishobo, 2024.2023Okazaki, Kenjiro. Something Passed Over Head. Tokyo: Nanarokusha Publishing, 2023.2022Okazaki, Kenjiro. Topica Pictus. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2022.2021Okazaki, Kenjiro. Sensorial Eden: Collection of Critical Essays vol.1. Tokyo: Akishobo, 2021.2020Kenjiro Okazaki: Retrospective Strata (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Nanarokusha Publishing, 2020.Okazaki, Kenjiro. Topica Pictus. Texts by Urara Nakamura and Kyongmi Park. Tokyo: Urizen, 2020.Parergon: Japanese Art of the 1980s and 1990s (exhibition catalogue). Edited by Mika Yoshitake. Los Angeles and Milan: Blum&Poe; Skira editore, 2020.2018Okazaki, Kenjiro. The Analysis of Modern Art: Abstract Art As Impact. Tokyo: Akishobo, 2018.2014Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Yokohama, Japan: BankART1929, 2014.Okazaki, Kenjiro. Renaissance: Condition of Experience. 2nd edition. Tokyo: Bungeishunju Gakugei Library, 2001.2002Art Today 2002: Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Nakano: Sezon Museum of Modern Art, 2002.2001Okazaki, Kenjiro. Renaissance: Condition of Experience. 1st edition. Tokyo: Chikumashobo, 2001.1994Mercedes-Benz Japan Art. Scope ‘94(exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Mercedes-Benz Japan, 1994.1992Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Nantenshi Gallery SOKO, 1992.1989Toki no Katachi (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Setagaya Art Museum, 19891987Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Nantenshi Gallery, 1987.1986Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Nantenshi Gallery, 1986.1985Kenjiro Okazaki (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Ando Gallery, 1985. Kenjiro Okazaki Periodicals Kenjiro Okazaki Periodicals 2024Chung, Shinyoung. “Kenjiro Okazaki” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Artforum, 1 November 2024.“Enlightenment of Space and Form” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). VMSPACE, 9 September 2024.“Kenjiro Okazaki: Form at Now and Later” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Air Mail, 22 June 2024.“Key Public Sculpture in Japanʼs ‘Town of Public Art’ To Be Preserved.” Art Asia Pacific, 27 January 2023.“Interview: In Search of the Eden of the Senses” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Bungeishunju, October 2022.Michalarou, Efi. “ART CITIES: Tokyo-Kenjirō Okazaki” (Blum & Poe Gallery exhibition review). Dream idea machine, 24 September 2022., Mara. “Kenjiro Okazaki” (Frank Elbaz Gallery exhibition review). Artforum, 20 March 2021., Efi. “ART-PREVIEW: Kenjirō Okazaki-Topica Pictus / La Cienega” (Blum & Poe exhibition review). Dream idea machine, 16 July 2021., Jennifer S. “Parergon: Japanese Art of the 1980s and 1990s.” ARTnews, 1 June 2019., Yukari. “Kenjiro Okazaki: Retrospective Strata” (Toyota Municipal Museum of Art exhibition review). The Japan Times, 27 November 2019., Kenjiro. “Kenjiro Okazaki gives a thorough explanation of the history of Japanese contemporary art; the turning point was the 1980s” (Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Art exhibition review). Interview with Atsuhiko Shima. CINRA.NET, 11 September 2018.