Press What It’s Like to Sculpt from the Same Marble as Michelangelo Kevin Francis Gray on Artsy Artsy's Abigail Cain reviews Kevin Francis Gray's exhibition of new works on view at Pace Gallery in New York. All seven works in the exhibition have been made at the Giannoni family marble workshop in Pietrasanta, Italy, a town with a rich history of sculptors of marble, including none other than Michelangelo. Cain notes that Gray's Cave Girl (2016) was made from marble extracted at the same cave where Michelangelo sourced his marble in the 1500s. Gray's work is contextualized with these strong ties to traditional sculpture, but remains distinct through his unique approach to portraiture: "[Gray] has created several busts and full-body nudes and then gouged and reshaped them with probing fingers—a vivid reminder of the sculptor’s hand at work."To read the full article, click (opens in a new window) here. Read More Press — What It’s Like to Sculpt from the Same Marble as Michelangelo, Apr 4, 2017