Chuck Close Red Yellow Blue Past Sep 11 – Oct 17, 2015 New York Pace is pleased to announce Chuck Close: Red Yellow Blue, an exhibition of new oil paintings on view at 534 West 25th Street from September 10 to October 17. A new catalogue with an essay by Nancy Princenthal will accompany the exhibition. EXHIBITION DETAILSChuck CloseRed Yellow BlueSep 11 – Oct 17, 2015 GALLERY534 West 25th StreetNew York CONNECT (opens in a new window) @pacegallery In his most recent work, Close continues his investigation of the grid as an organizational device, exploring minimal information processing in portraiture. Close abandons the expressionistic brushstrokes that have characterized his paintings since the 1990s. Rather, he applies multiple thin washes of paint in each cell of the grid, layering red, yellow and blue until they accumulate into extravagant full-color images.The earliest works in the exhibition—portraits of Cecily Brown and Cindy Sherman-reveal the beginnings of this process, leaving the painting's development visible. Read More 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11 7/11 8/11 9/11 10/11 11/11 Carousel slide 0 Carousel slide 1 Carousel slide 2 Carousel slide 3 Carousel slide 4 Carousel slide 5 Carousel slide 6 Carousel slide 7 Carousel slide 8 Carousel slide 9 Carousel slide 10 Although the works represent a new direction for Close, they are also a revival and reconsideration of processes he first used in the 1970s when he first restricted his palette to three colors, coaxing different saturations of paint and hue into photorealist portraits.When viewed up close, the portrayed subjects disintegrate into grids of color evocative of Paul Klee's Magic Square paintings. These works attest to a heightened interest in the effects of color and suggest a new way of challenging the processes through which his portraits are constructed. It allows him to create distinct works from the same image through different saturations and juxtapositions of hue. Read More Chuck CloseChuck Close studied at the University of Washington (BA, 1962) and at the Yale University School of Art and Architecture (BFA, 1963; MFA, 1964), receiving honorary degrees from both of his alma maters as well as numerous other institutions. Close is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and has served on the board of many arts organizations. In 2010 President Barack Obama appointed Close to The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities.Learn More