Christo at The Floating Piers, Lake Iseo, 2016, Photo: Wolfgang Volz © 2016 Christo Events Book Signing with Christo Hosted by TASCHEN TASCHEN Store2 Rue de Buci, ParisThursday, Oct 177–8 PM In celebration of the release of Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Updated Edition, TASCHEN invites you to a special book signing with renowned installation artist Christo. Event DetailsThursday, Oct 177 PM – 8 PM LocationTASCHEN Store2 Rue de Buci75006 Paris Register (opens in a new window) RSVPConnect (opens in a new window) @christojeanneclaude Part biography, part critical analysis, part catalogue, this updated edition brings back TASCHEN’s best-selling Collector’s Edition, designed by Christo himself. It spans Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s entire work, from early drawings and family photos to plans for future projects.Hundreds of photographs and drawings trace the couple’s projects from the past 10 years, including The Floating Piers and The London Mastaba, as well as works in progress such as The Mastaba of Abu Dhabi and L’Arc de Triomphe Wrapped, Paris.In addition to comprehensive photographic documentation by Wolfgang Volz and an updated introduction by Paul Goldberger, the book features a conversation between the artists and the author. It was the last conversation about their work that Jeanne-Claude had before her passing in 2009. The result is an eloquent homage to Jeanne-Claude and a celebration of the work of two artists whose imagination has affected the landscape of every continent.For more information about the book or to register to attend the book signing with Christo, please visit TASCHEN's (opens in a new window) website. Read More Events — Book Signing with Christo, Oct 17, 2019