Viajando En La franja Del Iris by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, Viajando En La franja Del Iris, 2024, oil on linen, 65" × 140" (165.1 cm × 355.6 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Portrait of Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Portrait of Alejandro Piñeiro Bello © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello


b. 1990, Havana, Cuba

Through a practice rooted in identity and memory, Alejandro Piñeiro Bello paints the enduring spirit of the Caribbean.

Drawing on the local flora and fauna of his hometown and the surrounding land and seascapes of Los Angeles and Miami, Piñeiro Bello implements color, balance, and texture to portray social, cultural, and mythical histories. At the core of his artistic practice is a dedication to his homeland of Cuba, Caribbean diaspora, and surrounding island nations. Piñeiro Bello draws inspiration from the writings of Cuban poets and philosophers, such as José Lezama Lima, José Martí, Virgilio Piñera, and Julián del Casal. He shares a visual language with the artists Wifredo Lam, Manuel Mendive, and Víctor Manuel García Valdés while referencing painters such as Paul Gauguin, Hokusai, Vincent Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, and Wassily Kandinsky throughout his oeuvre. Using traditional materials, such as oil on raw linen, burlap, or hemp, he employs a saturated palette; characteristic vibrant accents of color oscillate between the layers in many of his paintings, highlighting areas of canvas against a deep backdrop. His visual language is defined by ethereal and endless landscapes, folkloric gestures, and the collective imagination of what a new magical Caribbean may reveal. Physical forms and ideals appear on a timeless plane drawn from his memories and dreams.

Piñeiro Bello studied at The National Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba (2006–2010), later working as a professor in the Creative Painting department (2010–2011). He was awarded grants from The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, New York and The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York in collaboration with Pioneer Works, New York. Piñeiro was a resident at the Vermont Studio Center in 2022, and in 2023, he was selected for the artist-in-residence program at the Rubell Museum. Recent exhibitions of his work include Future Past Perfect: Escaping Paradise, NSU Art Museum, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2023); En El Arco Del Caribe, KDR305, Miami, Florida (2023–2024), and Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, Rubell Museum, Miami, Florida (2023–2204). His work is held in important collections such as The Brownstone Foundation, Paris; Chrysler Museum Collection, Norfolk, Virginia; Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami; Marquez Art Projects, Miami; Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California; NSU Art Museum, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Rubell Museum, Miami; and The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation Collection, New York. Piñeiro Bello currently lives and works in Miami, Florida.

Real y Maravilloso by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, Real y Maravilloso, 2024, oil on linen, 90-1/2" × 94" (229.9 cm × 238.8 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Noche Ardorosa by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, Noche Ardorosa, 2024, oil on linen, 51" × 51" (129.5 cm × 129.5 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

La Espiral Luminosa by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, La Espiral Luminosa, 2024, oil on linen, 86" × 74" (218.4 cm × 188 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

El Misterio de La Noche by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, El Misterio de La Noche, 2024, oil on hemp, 118-1/4" × 247-1/2" (300.4 cm × 628.7 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Nacimiento by Alejandro Piñeiro Bello

Alejandro Piñeiro Bello, Nacimiento, 2023-2024, oil on hemp, 65" × 140" (165.1 cm × 355.6 cm) © Alejandro Piñeiro Bello